Хранилища данных - статьи



1. Миронов А.А., Мордвинов В.А., Скуратов А.К. Семантико-энтропийное управление OLAP и модели интеграции xOLAP в SemanticNET (ONTONET). Информатизация образования и науки №2, 2009. С. 21-30.

2. Codd E.F., Codd S.B., Salley C.T. Providing OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) to user-analysts: An IT mandate. Technical report, 1993.

3. Барсегян А.А., Куприянов М.С., Степаненко В.В., Холод И.И. Методы и модели анализа данных: OLAP и Data Mining. – СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2004. – 336 с.

4. Robert Wrembel, Christian Koncilia. Data warehouses and OLAP: concepts, architectures, and solutions. IRM Press, 2007. PP. 1-26.

5. Celko Joe. Analytics and OLAP in SQL. Morgan Kaufmann, 2006. 208 p.

6. Ларсон Б. Разработка бизнес-аналитики в Microsoft SQL Server 2005. – СПб.: Питер, 2008. – 684 с.

7. Кудрявцев Ю.А. OLAP технологии: обзор решаемых задач и исследований // Бизнес-информатика. – 2008. №1. – С. 66-70.

8. Adrienne H. Slaughter. OLAP. 2004. – P. 23.

9. Nigel Pendse. The OLAP Survey 6 – Summary. November 2006. – P. 23.

10. David Wai-Lok Cheung, Bo Zhou, Ben Kao, Kan Hu, Sau Dan Lee. DROLAP - A Dense-Region Based Approach to On-Line Analytical Processing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1677, Springer, 1999. PP. 761-770.

11. T.S. Jung, M.S. Ahn, W.S. Cho. An Efficient OLAP Query Processing Technique Using Measure Attribute Indexes. WISE 2004. PP. 218-228.

12. Rob Mattison. Web Warehousing and Knowledge Management. Mcgraw-Hill, 1999. – 576 p.

13. Sonia Rivest, Yvan Bedard, Pierre Marchand. Toward better support for spatial decision making: defining the characteristics of spatial on-line analytical processing (SOLAP). Geomatica, Vol. 55, No. 4, 2001. PP. 539-555.

14. S. Bimonte, A. Tchounikine, M. Miquel. Towards a Spatial Multidimensional Model. DOLAP, 2005. PP. 39-46.

15. Andreas S. Maniatis. The case for Mobile OLAP. EDBT Workshops, 2004. PP. 405-414.

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